Blogging Faq

Adsense earning is based on many things like location, content category, etc. Therefore for the help of people, google AdSense provides an annual estimated revenue calculator which you can access by this link.
Earning from AdSense is based on visitors' countries and the topics of your niche because all keywords have different CPCs. But the average revenue of 1k impression is between 2 to 8 USD dollars. Now you can estimate your revenue by 25k daily impression then multiply the PPI rate by 3 dollars to 25 times. Which is 72$. Now you can multiply 72$ with 30 days.
I am using a hostinger premium hosting plan.
Buy a good domain and hosting. Install WordPress builder on the hosting. Install The Wanted theme, Activate it, Customize it according to your need, Create necessary pages. Install required plugins. Create content, Do SEO and start to run a WordPress website.
Create a sitemap by using an online sitemap generator. Then download the sitemap.xml file (Don't change the sitemap.xml file name). Now open your hosting C-panel, go to the File Manager tab, open the root directory folder, upload the sitemap.xml file, save it. Now go on the browser paste your domain link with this /sitemap.xml text and click on enter. If this link is showing an XML file so your site map is successfully added to your PHP website.
Create a robots.txt file for your website. The file name should be robots.txt. Go to your hosting C-panel dashboard, open the File Manager tab, and next open the root directory file and upload the robots.txt file, and click on the Save button. Now go on the browser paste your domain link with this /robots.txt text and press enter. If this link is giving a file in result, it means your robots.txt file is successfully added to your PHP/HTML website.